After Humanitarian Parole Approved
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Filing Form I-134A, the Parole Petition, is an important step in the immigration process. Parole allows individuals who are otherwise inadmissible to the United States to temporarily enter the country for specific reasons. To ensure the success of your petition, it’s crucial to follow the dos and don’ts outlined below:


Complete the Form Accurately – Ensure that all sections of Form I-134A are filled out accurately and completely. If you miss or enter incorrect information, it can lead to delays or even denials.

Provide Supporting Documents – Include all necessary supporting documents such as identity proofs, financial records, and evidence of the purpose of parole. These documents substantiate the claims made in your petition.

Include a Detailed Cover Letter – Draft a cover letter explaining the purpose of parole, the reasons you’re eligible, and how you meet the requirements. A well-written cover letter can help immigration officers understand your case better.

Submit Proof of Relationship – If the parole is based on a family relationship, include documents proving the relationship, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or adoption papers.

Submit Proof of Financial Ability – Include evidence that you have the financial means to support the paroled individual during their stay in the U.S. This can include bank statements, employment letters, and tax returns.

Explain the Reason for Parole – Clearly articulate the reason for seeking parole, whether it’s for medical treatment, attending a family event, or other valid purposes. Provide any necessary documentation to support this reason.

Follow Filing Instructions – Carefully read and follow the filing instructions provided by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This includes sending the form and supporting documents to the correct address.


Don’t Omit Relevant Information – Avoid leaving out any relevant information or providing false information. Omissions or inaccuracies can lead to severe consequences, including visa denials or bans from entering the U.S.

Don’t Ignore Deadlines – Adhere to all deadlines provided by USCIS. Late submissions could result in processing delays or even the rejection of your petition.

Don’t Rely on Unverified Information – Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and verifiable. Base your claims on authentic documents and avoid using false or misleading information.

Don’t Neglect Proofreading – Thoroughly proofread your petition and supporting documents to eliminate grammatical errors and inconsistencies. A well-presented petition demonstrates your attention to detail.

Don’t Underestimate Documentation – Failing to provide sufficient supporting documents can weaken your case. Make sure to include all necessary evidence to back up your claims.

Don’t Submit Incomplete Applications – Incomplete applications may be rejected outright. Double-check that all required fields are filled out and all necessary documents are included before submitting.

Don’t Disregard Changes in Immigration Law – Stay updated with any changes in immigration laws or regulations that may impact your parole petition. Ignoring updates could lead to misunderstandings or potential denials.

Filing Form I-134A requires careful attention to detail, accurate information, and adherence to the provided instructions. Following these dos and don’ts will increase the likelihood of a successful parole petition and a smooth immigration process.

About Post Author

Patrick Jacotin

Patrick Jacotin is founder and senior editor of CARES Magazine. Patrick Jacotin is the owner of PJ Multi Services. He has over 30 years experience in internet marketing, web development, company enterprises. He is a published writer worldwide.
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Written by Patrick Jacotin - Senior Editor

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